The reason we have decided to start this podcast, and all the other forms of digital media is simple…
We are trying to get away from the tradional newsletters that have been seen over the years that become repetitive.
We still plan on doing a quarterly newsletter for the time being, but eventually we would like a more “real time” update for our supporters.
Newsletters cover a braod stroke of what is going on, by trying to squeeze a month, quarter, half, or even a year into one, one page letter.
with the podcast, blog, and social media avenues we can reach much more people on a more consistent basis.
The reason it is called coffee with the missionary, is because so often we fellowship, or even give a bible study over a cup of coffee. I have had many great conversations, with many great people just kicking back, and having a cup of coffee.
If during this podcast you hear me take a sip, or have a gulp of coffee, it is because I actually do set here with a cup of coffee while talking with you, and that is one of the ways that I guage the length, of the conversation.
If the coffee starts getting cold, more than likely the conversation is too! If it stays hot, or gets a refill we cover quite a bit more!
Just to break up the monotony I will be having at least one guest per month to talk about various things both here in PNG, and other paces in the world!
We are in no way trying to keep people from knowing what is going on here, and want to reach out to as many as we can. The newsletters we send are digital, and due to connectivity issues they are very hard to get laid out, and sent while we have good internet connections. With the podcast, blog, and social sites, I can type, record, and edit everything and then air drop it to my phone for uploads overnight, or whenever the signal is strong enough to send it.
One thing that helped make this decision is our last newsletter. It took me until the 21st of the month to finally get logged into mail chimp, and start it. After logged in I kept getting the “unable to save data” gray banner, and then even after I got everything typed out I was unable to add any type of media.
If you follow us on instagram you will see a photo of our car loaded down! We were able to get Everything we needed for the western highlands conference loaded on top and inside.
For those who don’t know quite what a Nissan Patrol is, it is kind of like an oversized pathfinder. It has 3 seats in front, 3 in the middle, and 6 in the back! We have quite a bit of room, but how much can you fit inside?
Well we went to a church service one day with 14 people… but yesterday we pushed the limits!
How many people, and how much equipment will fit in a Patrol, or on the roof rack?
We had 5 people
2 x 5 ft PA Speakers
2 x 4 ft PA Speakers
1 x 9 channel Soundboard
1 x 6 channel Soundboard
50 lbs of flowers
1 x 66 key keyboard
5 x microphones
1 x 12 pc drumset
5 x microphone stands
1 x drummer stool
15 x plastic chairs
10 x audio cables
1 x acoustic guitar
1 x bass guitar
1 x rotating fan
10 x 4 ft light fixtures
4 x 2 ft light fixtures
14 x flourecent light bulbs
You can follow us on the follwoing platforms,
You can donate the follwoing ways,
Or give at your local ALJC Church Marshall Family Papua New Guinea
Thank you for understanding,
Thank you for your continued prayers, and support,
Be Blessed,
Bro. Marshall
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